XVAPE Aria Dual Use Vaporizer
Hailed as one of the best budget handheld dry herb and concentrate vaporizers on the market today, The Aria Dual-Use Vaporizer by XVAPE is a masterpiece of form, function, and style.
This sleek unit with its powerful 2600mAh battery, high-speed heat up time, and 100% isolated airflow will provide you with amazing tasting vapor flavor.
You can choose your exact temp by degree from 212°F to 464°F to ensure you can get the best flavor and effects from both dry herb and concentrates. The Aria heats up in 20 seconds and the device will vibrate to let you know it’s ready to go.
The Aria brings a full ceramic conduction oven chamber to the table as well as an oval design for better heat contact. The ceramic mouthpiece stays put with industrial-strength NIB magnets. There’s an easy-to-read OLED screen on the body of the Aria that gives you full digital control over your seshes.
The Aria is super simple to use. Press the power button 3 times to turn the unit on. Then simply cycle through the temperature options using the Up and Down arrow buttons to start enjoying your dry herbs or concentrate.
The XVAPE Aria is a superb portable dual-purpose vaporizer that offers a sleek design, great tasting vapor, and long vaping times between charges. Pick your preferred color and get yours today.
In the box:
1x XVAPE Aria Vaporizer
1x Mouthpiece tip covers
1x USB charging cable
1x Concentrate pad
4x Mesh screens
1x Cleaning brush
3x Alcohol wipes
3x Cotton swabs
1x User manual