Storz & Bickel Volcano Hybrid Desktop Vaporizer
An ouststanding tabletop vaporizer for dry herbs offering incredible vaporization power right at your fingertips.
The Volcano Hybrid from Storz & Bickel is one of the most powerful table-top vaporizers on the market, boasting a digital LED screen that precisely and immediately keeps track of the desired temperature and the actual temperature of the machine.
The Volcano Hybrid vaporizes your dry herbs via heat by intensifying the active ingredients and circulating them in attachable balloons to be inhaled.
A bright LED display shows a temperature range of 104 °F to 446 °F degree adjustment is controlled via plus and minus buttons. The unit’s automatic shutoff timer turns the vaporizer off after 30 minutes of inactivity, preserving the heating element and conserving energy. Plus, with this high-end vape, you can easily control your sessions via the Storz and Bickel app for Andriod and iOS.
The Volcano Hybrid is for the smoker who is looking for luxury, ease of use, and precision all rolled into one fine little machine. The vaporizer is available in two finishes: Onyx or Chrome.