HoneyStick HRB Turbo Dry Herb Vaporizer
Honey Stick is committed to delivering premium vapes at an affordable price, and the unique HRB Turbo Dry Herb Vaporizer is no exception.
The HRB Turbo showcases build quality and functionality usually only found in much more expensive vaporizers– while remaining modestly priced and accessible for the average consumer. Its stand out feature is a polished aluminum body with a genuine rubber trim that gives you a solid grip and unmatched durability.
The vape is easy to use and vibrates when it reaches the temperature. You can choose between three preset settings: 392°F, 410°F, and 428°F, or you can dial in a specific temperature to fit your exact taste. The ceramic heater provides even heat up and powerful hits that are packed with flavor.
The HRB Turbo is completed with a choice of two mouthpieces – the standard slim rubber and the glass tip. Light enough for carrying and robust enough to keep you worry-free, this vape is ideal if you love vaping outdoors.
The HRB Turbo Vape Kit Includes:
1x HRB Turbo Dry Herb Vaporizer
2x Mouthpiece
1x Micro USB Charging Cable
1x Cleaning Brush