Boundless Tera Vaporizer
If robots take over the world, we hope this one is in charge. The Tera Vaporizer is a combination dry herb and concentrate vaporizer that combines elegant simplicity, powerful performance, and unparalleled versatility.
The temperature controls are fully customizable in dry herb mode, and programmed automatically to the optimal 500°F in concentrate mode. This allows you to take full advantage of the diverse flavor profile of your concentrates and preserve the integrity of your dry herb.
Featuring two removable rechargeable 18650 batteries, the dual use vape can handle up to 10-15 sessions per charge. The entire device is built with medical and food grade materials in addition to containing a combustion free stainless steel chamber.
One other unique advantage of the Tera is that it features a water pipe adapter, allowing you to combine it with a bong and reap the benefits of water filtration.
With all these capabilities, the Tera is basically the world’s first Transformer vape. It’s definitely a lot less loud than an actual Transformer.